Cell banking & Logistics

Bringing British bio-businesses & technology to the Chinese healthcare market

Cell banking

At Oxford MEStar, we believe cell banking is vital in manufacturing cell therapy products. Post-production cells need to be stored properly, to ensure that the quality and quantity of viable and functioning cells is retained from manufacture to the bedside. The cell banking team has established a Standard Operating Procedure for a standardised cell banking system, to maintain the quality and quantity of stem cells in a suitable storage environment, which meets international standards. As a model, this system can be easily replicated and operated in any location, given the required operating environment is met. The optimisation of cryopreservation protocols of blood cells (such as T-cells and NK cells) and stem cells (such as MSC, hES, hiPS etc) have been conducted and expertise in cryopreservation of engineered tissue has been established.

Hypothermic storage to prolong the shelf life of cellular products and transport of cell products

Researchers at Oxford MEStar are developing novel technologies for both cell products and engineered tissue products, including methods to transport and store cell therapies. These technologies will allow for the logistical flexibility required to make such products clinically useful.
At Oxford MEStar, we believe this technology will maintain both viability and potency of the cells, so the therapy is administered to the patient in the same condition as when it was originally made. The aim of such technology is to create a system that pauses the biological activity of the therapy product without the need for cryopreservation.

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